
Showing posts from July, 2019

Special Effects - shrinking a person

I watched this video to learn how to shrink a person as a special effect so I could make my own. In order to do this, I filmed the actor inside a rectangular cardboard box. I then filmed some footage of another cardboard box, wince was much smaller. In order to make this work, I the box had to also be rectangular so I could scale the size down. I then cropped the footage of the person in the larger box and layered it over the other footage of the smaller box.

One Take - short film

As inspiration for my 'One Take' short film, I have watched various music videos and short films. These include lots of the music videos by the band 'OkGo', as well as the sort film 'Roadside'. This is my main source of inspiration because in order to keep the audiences attention for the duration (5 minutes), the genre and character expression/movement had to be interesting enough for them to be able to engage with the characters, creating some emotion.

Special Effects - making a person giant

I watched this video to learn how to make a person giant as a special effect. This was my first attempt at any kind of special effect so I researched it to find the best and most effective, but also easiest way to do it. . I then tried this technique for myself using Premiere Pro. In order to create this outcome, I had to crop the footage so I could layer it over the to of the other footage in the correct place. I also had to use a box that was a similar size to the stage so I could scale it up to match the shapes. First, footage of the actor in a box was filmed. Then, footage of the stage was filmed separately. t the editing stage, I then cropped the footage of the box and placed it onto the stage. This is why it is crucial to use a box the same size as the stage but just smaller, so that it fits when it comes to copping it and editing. To improve the final video, I could have used more characters to make it more realistic. I could have done this by having pe...

Special Effects - sky replacement

I watched this video to learn how to replace the sky with other footage as a special effect. I then tried this technique and created 2 outcomes. For the first, I placed a moon over the original footage. For the second, I replaced the whole of the sky with another layer. To create this outcome, I searched for a green screen moon image on Google. I then used Photoshop to remove the background and imported it in over the top of the original footage. I also altered some of the video effects, such as gamma correction, so the moon looked more faded and realistic. To create this outcome, I replaced the whole of the sky with another image to alter the mood of the clip. This is a special effect that could be used in my short film if the conditions are not what I would like them to be when I film it. To improve the final video, I could have filmed the footage when people were waling past, or reacting to he sky/moon/weather. This would have made i...