Lesson Plan 2 - Narrative Theory

The task was to deliver a lesson on the topic of 'Narrative Form' to the other film studies class in my year. We had to work with a peer, and create a PowerPoint presentation as part of the lesson, along with whatever else we wanted to do.

For the lesson, we created a PowerPoint presentation. In order to do this, we researched 3 different narrative theorists, which were: Tzvetan Todorov, Vladimir Propp and Claude Levi-Strauss. We also then researched and added what their theories are. The task we decided to ask the class to do was an essay question - Apply narrative theory to a range of scenes from one of the following films: 'Singin' in the Rain', 'The Gold Rush' or 'E.T.'

Having to apply the different theories to a film or scenes from a film helps to understand how they follow or go against them, and how the narrative is driven.


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