Initial Planning

Final Idea - a non-linear film about a girl who hallucinates when she falls asleep and does not want to escape from it. At the end, a flashback reveals that her actual life is worse than the nightmares she has.

Casting Choices -
  • 1 female child (aged between 10-15)

Character Profile(s) -
Child (aged between 10-15) - the child will be female and will have no speaking parts (silent film accompanied by relevant Foley and music), they will be very anxious and on edge constantly throughout the film.

Mise-en-scene application -
  • Hair and Makeup - this will need to be quite naturalistic and stereotypical for a girl of this age. However, I would like to alter the hair and makeup to show that hallucinations show a different side to her personality/imagination.
  • Costume - this will need to also be naturalistic and fairly ‘normal’. I don’t want the costume to reveal much about the character until the hallucinations start to occur where the costume will change slightly to because more sinister.
  • Props - bed, mobile phone, pills,
  • Setting - house, bedroom, woods.
  • Lighting - natural lighting for scenes within the house although this will become much darker as the child gets more tired and slips into hallucinations, when filming in the woods the lighting will be natural and dark in certain scenes to show fear.
  • Character Expression/Movement - the character should show fear at the prospect of falling asleep because the condition is something that has been reclaiming for many years.

Narrative application -
  • Claude Levi Strauss' Theory of Binary Opposites will be applied to my short film. I will show this clearly by creating a string contrast between what is real life for the girl and what is surreal. This will drive the narrative of the film.
  • I don’t think Todorov’s Theory of Equilibrium will be able to be applied because there is no recognition of a problem. Despite this, there will be attempts of a revolution to the problem by the girl herself. This also means there are no other chargers so Propp’s theory also cannot be applied.

Sound application -
  • The short film will include diegetic sound - within scenes in the house and in the wood, mainly heavy breathing or calling out, as well as footsteps.
  • I will also perhaps use Foley sound to add in at the editing stage (non-diegetic). This can help to enhance the sound effects to make them seem more intense and real, despite what the girl is seeing is not real.
  • I will also I slide music over the top of the film to build tension and build suspense.

Shooting Plan (dates and times of filming) -
I plan to film my short film over a short amount of time. This is because I want the hair and makeup to look exactly the same throughout the whole film (this will however change for each setting). For the scenes in the house before the character falls asleep it will need to be dark outside so I will have to film these shots in the evening. This will also be the case for the scenes filmed in the woods where I want to lighting to show that the character is fearful/vulnerable.


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